The Attorney General’s Charitable Trusts Section created a new publication: “Charity Governance During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” This publication’s goal is to inform nonprofit corporations of the California laws that allow them to fulfill some of their governance obligations remotely to adhere to social distancing requirements. This publication can be found on the Attorney General’s website […]
Entries Tagged as 'nonprofit'
Charity Governance During the COVID-19 Pandemic
May 12th, 2020 · Comments Off on Charity Governance During the COVID-19 Pandemic · Board Action without a Meeting, California Attorney General, COVID-19, Emergency Provisions, Governance, Modification of Endowment Funds, Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporations, Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporations, Nonprofit Religious Corporations, Social distancing, Virtual Meeting of Members
Tags:emergency·Governance·nonprofit·nonprofit public benefit corporations
Changes to Corporations Code for Nonprofit Organizations
October 31st, 2009 · Comments Off on Changes to Corporations Code for Nonprofit Organizations · California nonprofit law
Governor Schwarzenegger signed AB 1233, which is based on an Affirmative Legislative Proposal of the Nonprofit Committee. The law makes a number of changes to the California Corporations Code as applied to nonprofit corporations and unincorporated associations. These changes concern the designation of certain persons as directors, the termination of individual approval rights for changes […]
Tags:charitable organizations·Governance·nonprofit·Nonprofit Integrity Act of 2004
New Law for Charity “Poker Night” Fundraisers
October 21st, 2009 · Comments Off on New Law for Charity “Poker Night” Fundraisers · California nonprofit law, Charity
Casino night charity fundraisers can be fun, exciting, and lucrative, but until recently they have been illegal. This changed starting January 1, 2007, when a new California law was enacted that allows certain nonprofit organizations that have been in existence for at least three years to hold “charity poker night” fundraisers. Before buying your chips, […]
Tags:"poker nights"·casino nights·fundraiser·Gambling Control Act·nonprofit