Louis E. Michelson, A Professional Corporation

Providing Legal and Tax Advisory Services to Nonprofit Organizations

New Law for Charity “Poker Night” Fundraisers

October 21st, 2009 · No Comments · California nonprofit law, Charity

Casino night charity fundraisers can be fun, exciting, and lucrative, but until recently they have been illegal. This changed starting January 1, 2007, when a new California law was enacted that allows certain nonprofit organizations that have been in existence for at least three years to hold “charity poker night” fundraisers.

Before buying your chips, there are numerous constraints to take into consideration. Restrictions on “poker night” fundraisers include: individual prizes may not exceed a value of $500, at least 90 percent of the revenue from the fundraiser must go to the nonprofit, and fees paid to the host of the fundraiser may not exceed 10 percent of the gross revenue from the event.

In addition to those listed, there are other important limitations on charity casino events that can be found in the Gambling Control Act. For assistance in assuring that your upcoming event complies with the new law, please feel free to contact me.

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