Louis E. Michelson, A Professional Corporation, publishes this web page as a service to our clients and friends for informational purposes only. It is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for specific legal advice or opinions and the transmission of this information is NOT intended to create an attorney-client relationship between sender and receiver.
Facts or fact patterns which may be described herein are merely illustrative examples and not intended to contemplate or anticipate any actual incident, problem or issue, legal or factual, and no attempt has been made to address any specific incident, problem or issue. The information contained in this web page is not legal advice and may or may not reflect the most current legal developments.
Internet users and online readers should not rely upon the transmission of an e-mail message to Louis E. Michelson, A Professional Corporation, to create an attorney-client relationship. Internet users and online readers should not act upon any information in this web site without first directly seeking independent professional legal counsel.
No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.