Louis E. Michelson, A Professional Corporation

Providing Legal and Tax Advisory Services to Nonprofit Organizations

Comments on 2010 Core Form 990

November 10th, 2010 · No Comments · Federal Income Taxes, Governance

On October 2, 2010 the IRS posted an advance draft of 2010 Core Form 990 on its website.  The draft is subject to change and OMB approval before it is officially released.  The IRS requested that comments on the draft form be submitted within 30 days from the date the draft was posted.

Comments were prepared with input and contributions from members of the American Bar Association Business Law Section, Nonprofit Organizations Committee.   Principal responsibility for preparing these comments was exercised by Lisa A. Runquist of the Nonprofit Organizations Committee of the ABA Section of Business Law.  Contributions were made by Karen J. Orlin, Willard L. Boyd III, Patrick B. Sternal, Henry Lesser, Robert Siemer, Louis E. Michelson, Gary Wolberg, Lanie Meanley Collins, Patrick B. Sternal, Henry Lesser, Cherie Evans, Barbara Rosen, and Nancy McGlamery.  The Comments were reviewed by Willard L. Boyd III, Committee Chair, for the ABA Nonprofit Organizations Committee, and by Michael E. Malamut, Co-Chair of the ABA Business Law Section’s Corporate Governance Committee’s and Nonprofit Organization’s Joint Subcommittee on Nonprofit Governance.

Both the State Bar of California Business Law Section comment letter and the ABA comment letter were sent out.  The following link is to the California Bar version of the comment letter.  The ABA version can be found at  http://www.abanet.org/dch/committee.cfm?com=CL580000 under materials.


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