Louis E. Michelson, A Professional Corporation

Providing Legal and Tax Advisory Services to Nonprofit Organizations

New IRS Changes to Form 990

February 26th, 2010 · No Comments · Charity, Federal Income Taxes

The IRS posted on its website changes to 2009 Form 990, schedules to Form 990, and the instructions to Form 990.   See following link.   The IRS has modified and clarified certain reporting requirements. The Service also posted a table summarizing significant changes to the Form 990, schedules, and instructions for 2009.

Some of the changes include:

–  Instructions to Part III of the main form, Statement of Program Service Accomplishments explain that the filer must report significant changes in program services in Part III, rather than in a letter to the Exempt Organizations Determinations office.

–  Instructions to Part VI, Governance, Management, and Disclosure explain that the filer must report significant changes to its organizational documents on its Form 990, Part VI and in Schedule O, rather than in a letter to EO Determinations.

–  Instructions to Schedule A, Public Charity Status and Public Support explain that the IRS does not update records on a filer’s public charity status based on a change made on Schedule A. The filer may submit a request for a determination letter on its new public charity status to the EO Determinations office.


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